
Healthy Fasting During Ramadan

Ramadan is the one month per year where Muslims fast from dawn until sunset every day by refraining from food, water, smoking, medications, and even gum. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, children, seniors, and those on important medications or requiring nutrition care (such as people with diabetes, renal failure, or patients on tube feeds) are exempt from fasting.

During this month, Muslims spend more time getting closer to God, refrain from bad habits, and focus on spiritual growth. It is important to note that fasting is not a “weight loss diet” but is a great opportunity to focus on improving one’s character, changing behaviours and developing healthy habits.

The following are 8 important things to remember while observing the fast


Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and those who are ill are exempt from fasting. Talk to your doctor before Ramadan begins as it is important for you to discuss your Ramadan plans 1-2 months before with your doctor and seek advice from a Dietitian to tailor specific dietary requirements to your needs. In some situations the fast may need to be broken and can be made up for at a later date.


Staying hydrated is key when you’re fasting.

Men, on average, need to drink about 3L (13 cups) of water per day, while women need to consume about 2.2L (9 cups) of water per day.

Break your fast with a glass of water, and drinks about 2-3 large glasses of water at your evening and pre-dawn meals. Also, you may want to stay away from caffeinated high sugar drinks (for example: pop, energy drinks, coffee, tea).


Breaking the fast (iftar) is one of the most important meals and is comparable to breakfast. Fill a third of your stomach with food, a third with water, and leave a third empty. This ensures hydration and prevent overeating at the main meal.

A common recommendation is to eat 5-6 dates soaked in 1 cup of milk. Dates are a potassium dense food, which aids in hydration and restores electrolyte balance. Milk is high in calcium, and water as is balanced in macronutrients. This combination is perfect for restoring energy.


After breaking the fast with a snack, such as the dates and milk, it is recommended that Muslims to perform sunset prayer (which usually takes 5-10 minutes) before they sit down to eat their main meal. This allows the body to absorb some of the nutrients and suppresses extreme hunger.

Eat slowly and chew very well to help pace yourself. It is quite common to eat a large portion of foods after a 12 hours fast, but remember it takes a 20 minutes for the stomach to tell your brain it is full. Eat till you are comfortably full.

Make conscious food decisions – remember the “Balanced plate”: ½ plate vegetables and salad, ¼ grains and starch (e.g., rice, pasta, potato), ¼ protein (e.g., chicken, fish, beef, lamb, lentils and eggs)

  • Protein with high absorption factors, such as egg whites, fish, skinless chicken, and whey protein.
  • Complex carbohydrates such as lentils, beans, quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta are released slowly, making you feel satiated for a longer period of time.
  • Avoid simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, fruit juice, chocolate bars, and other packaged goods, as they will digest quickly and make you hungry sooner.


It is recommended to eat at least two small snacks between breaking the fast and going to sleep. Since the timing for eating is so small, it is best to focus on faster digesting foods. Some great snack choices:

  • Low fat greek yogurt with 1 piece of fruit
  • A whole grain sandwich (egg salad, tuna, cheese, peanut butter)
  • A cup high fibre cereal with a cup of low-fat milk
  • A piece of fruit with a handful of nuts
  • Popcorn (unsalted and unbuttered)
  • Whole grain crackers with low-fat cheese
  • Hummus dip with vegetable sticks

The last snack before going to bed should be higher in complex carbohydrates and good fats such as avocado, nuts, and seeds.


Pre-dawn meal (Suhoor) is a very important meal for fasting Muslims. This is when Muslims wake up 1-2 hours before their fast begins to eat one last meal (between 3-4 am). If this meal is properly balanced, it can help those fasting to remain high energy for the morning-noon portion of the day.

It is better to prepare this meal before going to bed so you can sleep for as long as possible. A meal high in complex carbohydrates, fibre, slower digesting protein (such as the casein in Greek yogurt), and good fats is ideal to slow gastric emptying.


Due to the festive nature of Ramadan where lots of family and friends often gather at sunset to eat together, high sugar and fatty sweets are usually a regular after dinner.

Try to initially fulfill your sugar craving with one of the healthy snacks listed above and then have a small amount of the traditional sweets or other healthy alternatives.

Traditional Sweets and deep fried foods (fried samosas, fried chicken, fried spring rolls, fried banana (pisang goreng) and fried potato chips) are high in sugar and fat which can make you feel sluggish and fatigued. Other high-fat cooked foods including oily curries and greasy pastries (Kuih bahulu, Apam balik)

Picture from MalayMail Online

Healthy alternatives

  • Baked samosas, baked spring rolls, oven baked potato chips
  • “Dry frying” – using a non-stick pan or non-stick food sprays
  • Grilled or baked meat, chicken, fish as a healthier alternative – while retaining the flavour and taste of the food


If you are planning to continue your exercise routine, it is recommended to shift your exercise  to the end of the day when food is eaten. During Ramadan, the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise likely will need to decrease.


  • 9:00 pm (breaking fast): 5-6 dates soaked in 1-cup milk or small soup
  • 9:05 pm: Complete sunset prayer
  • 9:10 pm (main meal): 1-cup brown rice + skinless chicken breast + sautéed veggies with olive oil, and a fruit for dessert + 1-cup water or soup
  • *2-cups water
  • 10:30 pm (snack #1): Fruit with low-fat yogurt + 1-cup water
  • *2-cups water
  • 11:30 pm (or 15 min before bedtime, snack #2): Half-cup rolled oats + walnuts + blueberries + 1-cup milk or kefir + 1-cup water
  • 4:00am (Suho0r: 20 min before holding fast): sprouted grain bread + 2 eggs + ½-1 avocado +  Greek yogurt for dessert + 1-2 cups water


After 30 days of fasting, Muslims from around the world celebrate Eid. The day starts off with morning prayers and the celebration continues with friends, family and lots of food.

Ramadan provides a chance for Muslims to “cleanse” their lifestyle from bad eating habits and junk food. Since the window for eating is tiny, it is important for those that are fasting to cut out nutrient poor foods and focus on eating nutritious ones.

Overall, balanced food and fluid intake is very important during these fasting periods. In order to prevent weight loss or muscle breakdown, your meals must contain decent levels of energy-rich foods, which should include carbohydrates and some portion of fat. 

Share this post with your Muslim friends!


Supermarket Smarts

Grocery shopping can be complicated when you are trying to make healthier choices or to manage chronic diseases. With the diverse amount of available products on store shelves nowadays, smart, healthy choices seem confusing and burdensome. Here are some easy tips to help you make wise food choices in the grocery store.


Make a grocery list of what you need and stick to it! This will help keep you from buying things you don’t need or want. Using a list as your guide will help save TIME and MONEY.


Shop on a “full stomach”; if you shop when you’re hungry, you’re more likely to buy food that tempts you “at the moment”. You may see a bag of cookies or potato chips and get excited enough to stimulate your taste buds, eventually causing a mouth-watering sensation which leaves you more likely to purchase it. So, make sure you head to grocery store with a happy and satiated stomach so your appetite does not trick you and your wallet.


Take extra care when shopping with children. Many parents are influenced by children’s requests and end up buying more food and less healthy choices. If you can’t leave home without your children, try to stick to your list and make sure your children aren’t hungry during shopping.


Food labels give you information to help you make healthier food choices and compare similar foods. Remember, always, always, always….read ingredient lists before you simply throw the item in your cart. Ingredients are listed by weight from most to least. The first few ingredients are those in the highest amounts. If one of the first 3 ingredients is salt, sodium, sugar, oil or fat, you may want to choose a different food, or use that food in small amounts.

A simple rule of thumb for label reading is to choose foods with no more than 5 ingredients, no artificial ingredients, or words you can’t pronounce. Always note the serving size and the calories per serving. All the values listed refer to a single serving so if you eat 2 servings, double each number to get the accurate nutrient count.


Trying new fruits and vegetables can be fun and cool. Adding a fruit or vegetables you have never tried is a good way to establish healthy shopping habit. You never know what you may end up loving or hating. Incorporating new, exciting colors and flavours into meals will provide healthier lives for you and your family. You never know until you try!


The center aisles of the grocery store are where most processed and junk food items are found. Shopping the perimeter will lead you to the sections with fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat and fish first. By the time you make your way around the perimeter you cart might be too full to even shop the centre aisle. Fill your cart with healthy perimeter items first, so you won’t spend as much time or money in the junk aisles.

To make shopping easier, group your grocery list items according to the aisles of the grocery store.

My Top 6 Centre Aisle Foods 

  1. Dried and canned beans
  2. Frozen fruit and vegetables
  3. Dried herbs and spices
  4. Vegetables oils
  5. Whole grains
  6. Nuts and nut butters

Learn how to navigate the grocery store with dietitian as your personal guide to healthy shopping. Contact Me, to find out how to make better food choices based on your individual preferences to achieve your nutrition goals.  


Losing Weight Without Going on a Diet

How many diets have you been on? The never-ending supply of new diet books and programs is proof that we are on a quest to find the perfect diet that will help us melt away those extra pounds.


  • They don’t change our long-term eating patterns, so when we stop dieting, we usually gain all the weight back, and sometimes more.
  • Diets promote rapid weight loss, but when we lose weight too quickly we lose muscle as well as fat, which is counterproductive since muscle burns more calories than fat.
  • When we severely restrict calories we put our bodies into “survival mode” and burn less calories doing the same activities. When we try to return to normal eating patterns, we gain weight because of our reduced metabolism.
  • Diets create an unhealthy relationship with food, which can lead to deprivation, binge eating, and ultimately weight gain.

To achieve real weight loss we need long-term healthy eating patterns that we enjoy and that satisfy our hunger. And to maintain weight loss, we need to lose weight slowly – about one to two pounds a week. NO MORE DIETS !


Use the following checklist as your daily guide to help you achieve your weight goals:

  • Portion size. It’s no secret that if you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight. We eat 30% more if the plate is bigger. Get in the habit of ordering the small size, sharing your appetizers and desserts, and bringing half your restaurant serving home for another meal.
  • Listen to your hunger. Stop eating when you’re full. You can always have more tomorrow, because you’re not on a diet. No restriction.
  • Eat healthy and nourishing foods. Minimize processed and junk foods, and choose foods in season when you can.
  • Load up on fruits and vegetables. Start your meal with a salad, load up your main course with veggies, and finish your meal with a little fruit.
  • Choose whole grain foods. Whole grain breads, barley, brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, whole wheat couscous, millet are delicious and offer substantial health benefits.
  • Choose lower fat. Fat has twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates, so it makes sense to keep your fat intake moderate if you’re trying to lose weight. Choose lower fat dairy products leaner cuts of meat and poultry, and use a light hand when adding salad dressings or cooking oils.
  • Structure your days. Eating about every 4 hours. This will keep your metabolism up, support stable blood sugar levels and keep you from being hungry and overeating at the next meal.
  • Eat some protein at each meal. It helps control your hunger and optimize your weight loss. Protein foods include animal sources like meat, fish, poultry and dairy products and vegetarian sources like nuts and seeds, peanut butter, legumes, tofu and soy beverages.
  • Love and savour everything you eat. You don’t have to eat foods (i.e., salad) you don’t like to lose weight. It’s your day-to-day pattern that will determine your weight, not small indulgences.


Eating well is the cornerstone of a health lifestyle. But being active is another important part of the equation. You don’t need structured time at the gym if that doesn’t suit you. You can walk, run, dance, swim, play tennis, walk the stairs, take a yoga class, zumba, etc. Just get moving and burn some calories. You’ll feel great !

Are you struggle with weight loss? Ditch the diets, be a mindful eater. Contact Me about starting a 3 months TRANSFORM Program.

Adult Picky Eating

Adult Picky Eating

People ask me this big question all the time “My child is a picky eater, what can I do next?“. Well, there is no easy and solid answer. As a dietitian and mom, I get it! Parents want what is best for their children, but they don’t know how to provide it. Parents are always in search of the “secret recipes” to get their picky eater to eat healthier or more, but there isn’t one. Up to 35% of children are described as “picky” by their parents, so you’re not alone in the struggle! It is not an easy task to incorporate healthy foods into their diet every single day. Although it may sound very challenging, there are strategies parents can use to help encourage their children to eat healthier. There are no quick and easy fixes here, and no one strategy will work for all children.

First things first, is your child a picky eater or are there other things going on that affect his/her eating? Upon further inspection in my practice, I commonly find that parents are picky eaters too. They don’t eat together with their children or they don’t share the same type of foods.

Children love to copy their parents. If your child sees you eating a diverse range of foods, they are more likely to do the same.

I’ve plenty of adult clients telling me they were labelled as “picky eater” when they were young. They grow up. Now, they don’t want to raise another “picky eater” in the family. Most parents know avocado, butternut squash, oatmeal, quinoa, millet, Greek yogurt, salmon are good for their babies who are just starting to eat solid foods. However, they end up stop offering them because they don’t know how or they do not know of alternatives to boiling or steaming.


Being a picky eater is not necessarily a problem. There is no rule that says you need to like every single food that exists in the world. If picky eating causes you anxiety or prevents you from socializing, it may be more of a concern (Read this article about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder [ARFID]). Otherwise it can be a health concern if you’re not meeting your nutritious needs or living on a super restricted diet.

Ellyn Satter states that while some aspects of picky eating are socially acceptable, such as choosing which foods you want , leaving unwanted food on your plate, and taking more of one food even if there’s uneaten food on your plate. However, it is not socially acceptable to draw attention to your food refusal or request food that is not on the menu.

I recently tried a Brussel Sprouts recipe. I have never tried Brussels Sprouts in my life, ever !! My mum never made it (she didn’t even know how to prepare it). After some thought, I bought fresh brussels sprouts and roasted them with only a few ingredients, and promptly loved them! Changing the method of preparation can significantly alter the appearance and taste of a food, making it a lot more palatable and enjoyable.

So, before complaining about your children not eating the broccoli that you serve for dinner, why not start looking at your dinner plate. Are you a good role model? Do you have some foods that you absolutely hate it? Are you eating all your servings of vegetables and fruit each day?


What do you do if you want to try introducing more vegetables (or other foods) into your daily.

  • Buy fresh vegetables and fruit when on sale to save money.
  • If you are short on time, buy convenience items in the produce section. Try pre-cut, pre-washed vegetables – a bag of salad, spinach, baby carrots, snap peas, or broccoli.
  • Start your meal with a salad made from spinach, lettuce, or grated carrot. Top it off with chopped vegetables or fruit, like orange, apple, strawberries or pomegranate.
  • Keep washed and sliced carrots, celery, peppers, zucchini, or cucumber at eye-level in the fridge for a quick snack or to add to a lunch bag.
  • Add fresh or frozen vegetables to spaghetti sauce, soups, stews, chilli, casseroles and curries.
  • Double up on the vegetables in recipes. A soup called for a carrot? Add two, A stir-fry calls for half a pepper? Add a whole one.
  • Choose or make pizza topped with mushrooms, zucchini, red or green peppers, broccoli, spinach, shredded carrots, tomato slice, or pineapple.
  • Adding simple flavours to vegetables. Try new seasonings – garlic, onion, ginger, a bit of olive oil, and a sprinkle of pepper can transform vegetables.
  • Put lots of sliced or shredded vegetables on sandwiches and in wraps.
  • Pairing your favourite veggie with guacamole or hummus.
  • Add green leafy veggies such as kale or spinach to morning smoothie.
  • Scrambled eggs with chopped spinach, mushrooms, and tomatoes can be eaten as both as side dish at dinner with rice, or as a breakfast item in the morning.
  • Add sliced fresh fruit to cereal or yogurt or mix into pancake batter.
  • Have a bowl of washed fruit on your kitchen counter for an easy to grab snack.
  • Freeze fruit that has become too ripe, to use later in baking or smoothies.

Stop labeling yourself as a “non-veggie eater”.

True, a diet with many fruits and vegetables will likely be more colourful and nutrient dense than one with only 3 or 4 choices, but progress over perfection, it will allow yourself a judgement free, unpressured environment to congratulate yourself on your veggie success, and when ready, slowly introduce new foods and/or methods of preparation.


As Ellyn Satter advises, provide yourself repeated, unpressured opportunities to introduce new foods. Don’t force yourself to try a new food, allow yourself the freedom to try it and the freedom to not finish it. By regularly exposing yourself to a new food, you just may trick yourself into liking it!


If you are a picky eater, and want to try introducing more vegetables (or other foods) into your family daily repertoire, here’s the step by step:

  • Take inventory of the vegetables you DO like eating and eat them more often!
  • Chose a new veggie (you either have never tried or haven’t purchased in a very long time), and prepare it along with a favourite food.
  • Don’t force yourself to eat the new food, and don’t feel bad if you weren’t able to enjoy it.
  • Keep introducing and re-introducing new veggies – it will likely take many times of tasting until you’re used to a flavour, texture and taste, but don’t give up! Having a larger food base to choose from gives you more flexibility around meal time and can also lead to a healthier you!

Choosing veggie and fruit is about making an EVERY DAY food decision, not just going by taste. It’s about FUELING your body well, and if you don’t eat enough currently, developing healthy habits that your brain learns as the path of least resistance. 

Do you have a food you think you should be eating more of? How do you introduce yourself to new foods? 

Are You an Emotional Eater?

Are You an Emotional Eater?

Does a bowl of ice cream make you feel better after a really bad day? Do you turn to carbs for comfort? It’s common to use food as a way to make yourself feel better when you are sad, angry, stressed or tired. But there are better ways to deal with those emotions.

I often work with clients who identify with this problem, and maybe you do too.

I eat when I’m stressed !

I have a candy jar at the office that calls my name?

At the end of a long and hectic day, all I want is a big bowl of ice cream, as it can temporarily soothe my exhausted, hard-working body.

I feel a loss of control around foods. I can eat the whole bag of chips.

I have been eating larger portions than usual. 

Whether you are dealing with stress eating, mindless snacking or using food as comfort. I have strategies !!


You work full-time while raising a family and have a typical busy lifestyle. You turn to food for comfort when you are stressed at work or frustrated at home. You want to learn better eating habits.


You consult a dietitian. You learn that craving food when you’re stressed instead of hungry is called Emotional Eating. You recognize some of your eating patterns:

  • Craving foods that are high in calories, fat and sugar (your weakness are soft drinks and chips)
  • Eating/drinking too much without realizing it (e.g., binge eating, secret eater)
  • Feeling even more stress and anxiety after eating too much (love-hate relationship)

You learn about Mindful Eating as a way to manage your emotional eating habits. Mindful eating involves paying attention to eating using all senses: really seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling and feeling food. So instead of eating a whole bag of chips when you’re stressed, you can learn to be more mindful of your choice – perhaps eat a smaller portion and enjoy every bite, or choose a more nutritious snack.

Mindful eating can help you become more aware of the reason why you’re eating. It will teach you to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you feel full. You learn that with the help of a dietitian, you can become more aware of your emotional and physical responses to food. With practising, you can manage your stress-related eating and pay more attention in the present moment when you’re making food choices.

Instead of turning to comfort food, you can learn to fight stress by doing something you enjoy, such as going out for a nice evening walk, playing street basketball with your kids, get organized with your meal planning, chat with a friend or family member, reading a book, meditation, colouring, journaling, practicing self-care.


Dietitian can offer mindful eating principles during individual or group counselling sessions.

Are you an emotional eater? You want to learn more about mindful eating? Contact Me about starting a nutritional counselling program.

Adapted from the Dietitians of Canada’s Nutrition Month campaign materials. 

Kid Friendly Spinach And Turkey Meatballs

Kid Friendly Spinach and Turkey Meatballs

This is a meatball recipe your family will love. It’s a great way to sneak in some extra veggies for yourself and your kids.

Also, I am adding the All Bran Buds cereal to this recipe, it helps increase the fibre content. Enjoy !

Recipe adapted from All Bran

Kid Friendly Spinach and Turkey Meatballs

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Dinner, Lunch
Servings 20


  • 3/4 cup all bran buds cereal
  • 1 tbsp milk (cow's milk or plant-based milk)
  • 1 lb or 500g ground turkey
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1/2 cup cooked spinach, chopped
  • 1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
  • 1 tsp each salt & fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 tsp fresh thyme, chopped
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil


  • Preheat oven to 350’C
  • In a small bowl, stir cereal with milk and let soak for 5 minutes.
  • In a separate large bowl, combine cereal mixture, turkey, egg, spinach, onion, garlic, cheese salt, pepper, and thyme. Mix just until combined, avoid over mixing to ensure meatballs will not be tough.
  • Form mixture into 1 1/2 inch balls and place on a parchment lined baking sheet. Brush meatballs with oil and bake for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through.


Serve these meatballs on their own or in your favourite sauce.
Say No to Food Fads

Say NO to Food Fads

Many of you may struggle to make sense of the nutrition advice you read online and wanted nutrition facts you could trust. Let’s face it. Not everything we read online is true. And while many of us know that, it’s still easy to be taken in by popular ideas we see online or hear from friends. How can we really separate food fact from fiction?

Misinformation affects many of my clients.

Should I avoid gluten?

Should I exclude dairy?

Should I choose a low fat or high protein diet?

Should I eat low carbohydrate or low Glycemic Index?

Should I detox or do a cleansing diet?

Should I cook with butter or coconut oil?

There are different opinions about what and how we should eat everyday, but there is a way to spot your problem and seek reliable facts to solve it.


There is so much nutrition information online and you are not sure how to tell if something is a fad! You don’t know what to believe.


You learn that some websites are more reliable than others. You were reading a popular websites and absorbing information, but not all of it was true. You need to be more critical and ask yourself these questions when you’re reading a website:

  • Is the website promising a quick fix or a miracle cure?
  • Do I have reasons to mistrust the person, organization or company that runs the website?
  • Are they trying to sell me something instead of educating me?
  • Are the website writers unqualified to be giving me nutrition information?
  • Do they have facts that sound too good to be true?
  • Does the information come from personal opinions rather than scientific evidence?
  • Is the content missing reviews or verification by medical experts?
  • Are the website claims based on a single study that may draw the wrong conclusion?

Now knows that if you answers “yes” to most of these questions, the website may not be reliable.


You may now learn that you should not trust everyone who has an opinion about food and nutrition. Instead, you will look for sites that aren’t trying to sell you something and that rely on science rather than opinions. You will check the credentials of the writers, and looks for sites written by regulated health professionals whose work is reviewed by other experts. Find a dietitian at Malaysia Dietitians’ Association

Do you sometimes feel like you are drowning in misinformation too? Contact Me about starting a nutritional counselling program.

Adapted from the Dietitians of Canada’s Nutrition Month campaign materials. 


Steps to Eat Mindfully

Mindfulness is a powerful way to bring balance into every aspect of how we eat. It cultivates inner wisdom – awareness of how our body and mind are reacting; and outer wisdom – making wiser use of nutrition information to satisfy your needs and preferences.

Here are my mindful eating technique to use when you want a “snack or dessert” so bad. Not all of these tips or strategies resinate to you, but try a few and see how they work.


Bring your awareness to your breath, slow down by taking 2-3 deeper breaths. You can close your eyes if you want. Tune your awareness into what is leading you to want to eat. Are you physically hungry?

How hungry you are?

How do you know that?

Are you just stressed? or bored?

Perhaps you just got home from work and saw a box of chocolate left out on the kitchen counter?

There might be several triggers to your urge. Simple notice what they are. Well, if you are physically hungry, give yourself full permission to have a snack or treat.


Consider what is calling you.

What would be satisfying ?

What would you enjoy, to help you relax, bring comfort, or hold you over until next meal?

Do you want something sweet, something crispy, something savoury?

Are the chocolate calling you? Or do you really want some cookies?

Give some thought to this, because you will be more satisfied and less likely to eat more than if you’d just grabbed the first thing in front of you.


Thinking about how much you would eat? One good rule is to eat about 100 kcal per hour to sustain you until the next time you eat. That is about how much your body will burn during that time, and it is a way to give yourself permission to simply enjoy your snack, rather than feeling guilty about it.


Savour the food, eating it slowly and without doing anything else. Minimize distractions, such as watching TV or checking emails.


Most of the time, our thoughts wander somewhere other than where we are in the moment. Perhaps we are preoccupied with what happened an hour ago, stressed over what we need to do tomorrow, or worried about what might happen next week. Mindfulness encourages us to notice these preoccupations, and then to gently bring ourselves back to the NOW.


Use this approach at a snack time that occurs regularly and when you are alone, so you can fully focus on your experiences. You can then use these practices almost anytime you have an urge to eat. Explore how the quality of your experiences of food and eating shift when you bring a mindful, accepting, and open awareness to them.

If you enjoyed this post, you might also interested in reading about 7 Types of Hunger.


The 7 Types of Hunger That You Must Know

Last week, I talked about “Mindful Eating” and reviewed some research that showed a mindful eating can establish healthy eating habit. However, this has yet to answer the question how do you eat mindfully?

To start understanding the concept of mindful eating, you need to know the 7 types of hungers. We eat for many reasons – because we’re hungry, stressed, or feeling happy, because we feel like we deserve a cake or simply because it’s your lunchtime.

Eating mindfully is about expanding our awareness around eating habits, so that we can make a more conscious decision of what to put in our mouth and when.

According to pediatrician and mindful eating proponent Jan Chozen-Bays, MD, author of the book, “Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food”. She reviewed in her book that there are 7 types of hunger relating to different parts of our anatomy – the eyes, nose, mouth, stomach, cells, mind and heart.

Once we are more aware of these different types of hunger and their reasons, we can respond consciously and more appropriately to satisfy them.


Our eyes see delicious foods and send a message to our brain saying, “We’re hungry for that”. The eye can convince the mind to override the signal from the stomach and body, even when we are not hungry.

To satisfy eye hunger, eat without distraction. You can feast your eyes on the food before you put it in your mouth. If you mindlessly wolf your dinner down while watching TV, you’re wasting an opportunity to really appreciate it.


Our sense of smell is closely tied to our sense of taste, such that the “taste” or “flavour” of foods is nearly entirely the “smell” of it. Smell exerts a potent affect on our subconscious mind. You might be familiar with the intense aroma when you walk past the pastry shop at the mall. The powerful smell draws you in and is nearly irresistible, even though you may not be hungry at the time.

To satisfy nose hunger, practice sensitizing yourself to the smell of your food, isolated from taste, by taking a pause before eating to really take in the aromas.  


Our mouth has a desire for pleasurable sensations such as different tastes and textures. The mouth prefers variety in these sensations and can easily become bored. If we are not paying attention while eating, the mouth will not be satisfied, and will continue to ask for more food, which can cause mindless overeating.

To satisfy mouth hunger, increase your awareness around the flavours and textures in your mouth.


When our stomach is hungry it can signal us with rumbling, growling, or with an empty feeling in the abdomen. If we are in the habit of eating several times daily, and we miss a meal, our stomach will alert us of its hunger. It takes practice to sense when a grumbling stomach means actual hunger. Often, we can confuse the sensation with other feelings that affect our stomach such as depression and anxiety. If we feed depression with “junk food”, then get more depressed about our diet.

To satisfy stomach hunger, listen to the stomach hunger cues and start to familiarize yourself with them. Try to delay eating when you feel hungry and become aware of the sensations (make observation). You can also assess your hunger on a hunger scale from 1-10 before a meal, then halfway through check in again and do the same.


Our body can give us various signals when we experience cellular hunger such as faintness, dizziness, irritability, a sudden loss of energy, or strong desires for certain foods. Cellular hunger is one of the hardest types of hunger to sense, even though it is the original reason for eating. When we were children, we intuitively knew when we needed to eat, and what our body was craving. But over time, we lose our ability.

Through mindfulness, it’s possible to become more aware of our body’s cravings for specific nutrients and develop some of the “inner wisdom” we had when we were children.

To learn to listen to cellular hunger is the primary skill of mindful eating” – Jan Chozen-Bays


Modern society has made us very anxious eaters. Constantly being influenced by the current fat diet or the latest nutritional guidelines, such as “Sugar is bad for me”.  The mind can hinder our ability to “listen” to what the body needs (our internal hunger cues).  This type of hunger is based on our thoughts.

To satisfy mind hunger, being mindfulness can help calm the mind and tune in to other cues our body is sending us.


This is based on our desire to be loved and cared for. We crave certain comfort food because we were given it as a child, or because we’ve associated it in our mind as a treat for when we’re feeling down. Many people experience heart hunger and attempt to satisfy it with food (emotional eating), which, though sometimes helpful in the short term, can’t always fill the hole in our heart.

To satisfy heart hunger, we need to find the intimacy or comfort our heart is craving. Try observing/noticing the emotions that you’ve been feeling just before you have an urge to eat that chocolate as you might be able to find other way to satisfy them, such as calling a friend or having a cup of herbal tea or a hot bath.


We can eat mindfully by assessing each of the types of hunger whenever we have the desire to eat. The goal is try to be mindful of what and how you eat, feast with your eyes, take in the aroma and savour every flavour – then you’ll be truly satisfied.

In next week blogpost, I will discuss mindless eating, and how to avoid this common obstacle to healthy eating.

Eat, Drink and Be Mindful

Eat, Drink and Be Mindful

The concept of Mindful Eating has been gaining popularity over the past couple years. You may hear your dietitian talking about it or your girlfriend who are trying to lose some weight doing this mindful eating practice. But what exactly does it mean to be a mindful eater?

In my culture, December to January are all about celebrations. One holiday party followed by another…and another until Chinese New Year !! Whether you want to avoid overeating and gaining those extra weight, you need to control your blood sugar (if you have diabetes), or you simply wish to consume only what your body requires, the holiday season can make that goal challenging.


I use mindful eating strategies in my dietetic practice and personal life. I found that it helps me to rediscover a healthy and joyful relationship with foods.

Mindfulness is a powerful way to bring balance into every aspect of how we eat. It involves cultivating a combination of “inner wisdom” (awareness of how our body and mind are responding) and “outer wisdom” (engaging nutrition information and recommendations to meet your own personal needs and preferences).

Mindfulness refers to the practice of being aware and in the moment, without judgement.


  • Help with weight management (here, here, here)
  • Help diners feel more in control in their eating (here)
  • Reduced disordered eating pattern (here, here)
  • Improve glycemic control for those living with diabetes (here)
  • Reduced perceived stress (here)


Yes, Mindful Eating has many health benefits, however, it is very challenging to practice. It takes lot of work and dedication to completely in tune with your hunger and satiety signals.

Stay tune for next week blogpost Steps to Eat Mindfully.

Did you know that I offer personalized nutrition counselling for kids and families? If this is something you’s like to learn more about, please Contact Me.